Well, I’m in the mood now. Despite what you have seen so far in this blog, which is not so much, I’m truly an optimist -most of times-.I'm a sign, not a cop i believe that you must do everything you can just to find your perfect situation. all our life is just circling around the perfect life, the perfect situation, the perfect partner, and just admitting to them. admitting to yourself. you know that it’s worthy of acknowledging. the perfect life, is the most difficult one, everyone knows that. it’s just that we’re too lazy to even think about living it. the really crazy thing it that sometimes we miss the reason we’re doing it –living life- and we just keep living like it’s just a TV show, we’re just like puppets. being moved by the master of the puppet strings –which we don’t know who he’s-. the challenge is to realize this and decide if it time worthy. but anyway, who have the think to think about his life.
Today's Quote's:

“Day, n. A period of twenty-four hours, mostly misspent “
— Ambrose Bierce