A lie never turns out to be anything good, because if you lie it always turns around to bite you in the ass. you might think its going to turn out good, but it just takes a sudden turn and come right back at you. even a little white lie can turn out to be the biggest lie you ever told. when 2 people are involved in a intoTheMist relationship and you tell the least little lie it could ruin your relationship forever. the person might not be able to trust you ever again. and if you really like that person it could be the biggest mistake of your life.
People who tell small lies are the worst ones. Hence they're compulsive liars. Even if the lie seems small, even insignificant, it shows you that if they can lie to you about small things, which don't mean a thing really, they can lie to you about everything. You can't truly say you love and care for someone if you're lying to them. When one lie is told, two people are involved. The person lying, and the person being lied to. The person being lied to has it the hardest.
Lying is selfish. You go into it knowing that the person that loves you trusts you with their whole heart and soul, and you choose to take advantage of that. And it ends up hurting the one you said you loved more than anything in the end. Eventually you're screwing yourself over as well.
people will never look at you the same ... even if it is just one lie. It will effect every aspect of your life. They ruin EVERYTHING.
It is better to be told a hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie. In the end, the truth will make its way out and will hurt much more than it ever had to.
In the end There's one thing, why do some people thinks that A lie isn't considered a lie until the other person finds out. or talk about it. what if that person knew every single little lie they told. what if he’s not that stupid. what if that person is just waiting for the lies to stop. what if that person loves the lying partner. but it just that he don’t want to talk about it. he want it to stop. my question is: in the end.. does it even stop.. or just the lies keeps going?

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