The Journey into the Valley of Mistrust.

A lie never turns out to be anything good, because if you lie it always turns around to bite you in the ass. you might think its going to turn out good, but it just takes a sudden turn and come right back at you. even a little white lie can turn out to be the biggest lie you ever told. when 2 people are involved in a intoTheMist relationship and you tell the least little lie it could ruin your relationship forever. the person might not be able to trust you ever again. and if you really like that person it could be the biggest mistake of your life.
People who tell small lies are the worst ones. Hence they're compulsive liars. Even if the lie seems small, even insignificant, it shows you that if they can lie to you about small things, which don't mean a thing really, they can lie to you about everything. You can't truly say you love and care for someone if you're lying to them. When one lie is told, two people are involved. The person lying, and the person being lied to. The person being lied to has it the hardest.
Lying is selfish. You go into it knowing that the person that loves you trusts you with their whole heart and soul, and you choose to take advantage of that. And it ends up hurting the one you said you loved more than anything in the end. Eventually you're screwing yourself over as well.
people will never look at you the same ... even if it is just one lie. It will effect every aspect of your life. They ruin EVERYTHING.
It is better to be told a hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie. In the end, the truth will make its way out and will hurt much more than it ever had to.
In the end There's one thing, why do some people thinks that A lie isn't considered a lie until the other person finds out. or talk about it. what if that person knew every single little lie they told. what if he’s not that stupid. what if that person is just waiting for the lies to stop. what if that person loves the lying partner. but it just that he don’t want to talk about it. he want it to stop. my question is: in the end.. does it even stop.. or just the lies keeps going?

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Nude Artistics  (9)A couple was in a car when the woman turned to The man and asked, "Would you like to stop for a coffee?"
"No, thanks," he answered truthfully. So they didn't stop. 
The result? The woman, who had indeed wanted to stop, became annoyed because she felt her preference had not been considered. The man, seeing his lady was angry, became frustrated. Why didn't she just say what she wanted?
Unfortunately, he failed to see that his wife was asking the question not to get an instant decision, but to begin a negotiation. And the woman didn't realize that when her husband said no, he was just expressing his preference, not making a ruling. When a man and woman interpret the same interchange in such conflicting ways, it's no wonder they can find themselves leveling angry charges of selfishness and obstinacy at each other.
As a specialist in linguistics, -that’s me- I have studied how the conversational styles of men and women differ. We cannot lump all men or all women into fixed categories. But the seemingly senseless misunderstandings that haunt our relationships can in part be explained by the different conversational rules by which men and women play.
Learning about the different though equally valid conversational frequencies men and women are tuned to can help banish the blame and help us truly talk to one another.
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My Green One

The most important things are the hardest things to say. they are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them - words shrink things that My Heart Vision of you seemed  limitless when they were in your head to no more than the living size then they're brought out. but it's more than that, isn't it? the most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. and you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. that's the worst, i think. when the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear.
My Green One, I hope I am.

When you love someone you should tell them, right? What’s the point of keeping that all inside. Never sharing it with the only person you’d ever want to tell. Walking around with this. Love burden on your heart. Makes you want to stand on her door, Shout it out from the street that; “I love you!” What have you got to lose? Aside from you and me and us and everything. No, the loss is too great. The risk is too much. you’d rather secret love her forever than ever Tell her the truth.
So I’ll whisper it now, scribble it on this paper, Tell only my heart’s version of you— A version that brings you to my arms, Breathes in your hair and asks, What was I waiting for?— That I love you. It just happened. I really really love you.

Conscious Misunderstanding

there’s a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything. Other people are merely mirrors of us. You cannot love or hatemisunderstanding  something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself. It's horrifying how much you can hate yourself for being weak and in need of someone who can’t save you from feeling that. Eventually you’ll turn it on her; you’ll try to empty it onto her. But there is always more.  When she tries to help; you’ll try tell her that she made you feel that. and that it’s her fault. But nobody makes us feel that, we do that for ourselves. you’ll shut her out because you know if she ever really saw who you are inside, that she won't love you anymore. and it’s so hard to make her understand. Actually I failed making her understand. And I don't know if I'm going to get a second chance, but I have to believe. That I deserve one. Because we all do.
Their are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that ultimately "work." UnconsciousLearning lessons does not end. There's no part of life that doesn't contain its lessons. If you're alive, that means there are still lessons to be learned. What you make of your life is up to you. What you do with it is up to you. The choice is yours. 
the answers that you’re seeking for,  lay within you. The answers to life's questions lay within you. All you need to do is to look, to listen, and to trust. you hold the answers deep within your own mind, and consciously you’re forgetting it, that’s the way the human mind works.
and you’re sure as I’m sure… You will forget all of this.

Just Stop being Stupid, There’s no Such thing as Love.

Sometimes you think you’re in love, but let me tell you something, you are not, there’s no such thing, you have to check yourself because you may have a medical problem. just see the list falling
when you can’t stop thinking about him/her it’s not love, it’s maybe Obsessive–compulsive disorder, or OCD. try having “Paroxetine” everyday, and and you may get better.
And sometimes you have that restless trembling of body parts, like hands and feet, or some other parts, you’ll think it’s love, but it’s not, it’s maybe Parkinson's Disease, in that case try some “Stalevo” and you may get better. 
A Skippy heartbeat or heart rate that exceeds the normal range when you think of him/her, is not love. it’s maybe Tachycardia, which may lead to ventricular fibrillation and myocardial infarction (heart attack). I advise you to seek immediate doctor attention, and to have an 12 lead electrocardiogram test.
Constant smiling is not because you’re falling in love, not even close to that. it’s maybe Bell's palsy, Treatment of Bell's palsy is a matter of controversy, all I can say is, Good luck with that.all in what is this
if you have Insomnia, and you’re always thinking about him/her. it’s just not love, it’s maybe you’re having Hormone shifts, or Disturbances of the circadian rhythm, try having some “Benzodiazepines” and you may get better.
the feeling of him/her present when they are not around you, Feeling that you can smell/hear/feel him or her when not in his/her presence, is not love, it’s just a psychotic illness, Schizophrenia, try some atypical antipsychotic medication such as Risperdal, and seek immediate medical attention.
And if you have Absent mindedness, forgetfulness, inability to focus on tasks at work or home, it’s not love, it’s just maybe Alzheimer's Disease, if you’re old. and there’s no treatment.Love
A Frequent sexual arousal while thinking bout him/her does not mean you’re in love with that person. it’s just maybe Hypersexuality, or Nymphomania, though Nymphomania is not listed as disorders in the DSM-IV. I advise you of medical attention.

what if the puppets is without strings?

Well, I’m in the mood now. Despite what you have seen so far in this blog, which is not so much, I’m truly an optimist -most of times-.I'm a sign, not a cop i believe that you must do everything you can just to find your perfect situation. all our life is just circling around the perfect life, the perfect situation, the perfect partner, and just admitting to them. admitting to yourself. you know that it’s worthy of acknowledging. the perfect life, is the most difficult one, everyone knows that. it’s just that we’re too lazy to even think about living it. the really crazy thing it that sometimes we miss the reason we’re doing it –living life- and we just keep living like it’s just a TV show, we’re just like puppets. being moved by the master of the puppet strings –which we don’t know who he’s-. the challenge is to realize this and decide if it time worthy. but anyway, who have the think to think about his life.
Today's Quote's:

“Day, n. A period of twenty-four hours, mostly misspent “
— Ambrose Bierce

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Al’ Shaysaban.